Jingle Gratz Web Creations

Website Development

Website Development Process:

# Steps to a Website You Love

Your website needs to turn interest into sales and first-time buyers into loyal brand advocates. The good news is that you can do just that with a custom WordPress website build. Check out my web development process and learn how you can get started today!

Step #1: Shoot Me a Message

If you need to build a website or perhaps refresh an old one, go ahead and shoot me a message! Send me as much detail as possible and I’ll be in touch to schedule a meeting as soon as possible.

Step #2: Meet and Greet

During our meeting, we will talk about your:
> Project goals
> Company goals
> Hesitations
> Pain points and suggested resolutions
Of course, we can also talk about anything else we deem important. Then, we’ll come up with a plan that works for your unique business. If we click and both agree that this is the right collaboration for your company, we can determine scope and I will offer you a competitive quote. If all of the details work for you, we can finalize an agreement and I can get started on your website!

Step #3: Let The Development Begin

Using the information and assets I gathered during our meeting and after, I will begin building a website for you.If you’re unable to provide those assets, I can recommend freelancers or gig work platforms to help you get everything you need or procure them for you for a fee.

Step #4: Schedule a Live Review

No project is done until the client is 100% satisfied.That’s why this is a crucial last step before launching any website. After I finish up version one of your website, we will meet on a Zoom call and go through each page of the site so you can share your thoughts, and I can make the necessary adjustments.

Step #5: Final Edits

While I can make most edits while we’re on the call, I may need to work on some more complex and time consuming tasks after we hang up. When I’m done with that, I’ll do a final QA to clean up your site and we’ll finally be ready to launch.

Step #6: Site Launch

Woo hoo! It’s finally time to deploy your site. Once all of the final revisions are done, I’ll send you a confirmation email with the time and date your site will go live so you can promote it on social media and among your network.


Now that your site is live, it’s important to maintain it so it continues running efficiently. Whether you need a refresh because Google released new site requirements, your site starts slowing down, or you need help updating the copy and photographs on your website, I’ll be there for you with speedy and reliable website support.